Friday, May 13, 2011

Country life = finally some dry days

I haven't had time to post the last couple of days, and it just occurred to me that since my last post was on the the invasion of the flies, you might think I really had packed and moved to the polar ice caps!

But I didn't, I'm still here. The last couple of days have been dry here for the most part. We've had a couple showers, but nothing that didn't dry out relatively quickly. We've been taking advantage of it, and have spent a good bit of time planting our garden, putting some finishing touches on the chicken coop, and some other odd jobs that have been delayed because of the very wet spring we've been having.

I always say I would rather it be too wet than too dry. But that's easy for me to say, since I don't live next to a creek.

While it's been fairly dry at our house the last couple of days, it's been storming all around us. There's been lots of flash flooding. And of course we hear every day about the slow flooding on the mighty Mississippi. My heart goes out to all who are facing flooding, and the clean-up afterwards.

I thought about snapping some pictures tonight of what we've been working on, but to be honest, I was too tired to go inside and get the camera! Maybe tomorrow.

And...I'm happy to report that the fly invasion is not as invasive as it was. There's still a few, but as long as I open the door for awhile, they fly out for the most part. And, I still have my trusty tissues, for those that are drawn to death by tissue. Strange, strange flies.

But now we are having a mini invasion at home, by big ants. We've killed 20 or so on the kitchen counter, but can't find a trail. George sprayed around the foundation, hopefully that works.

Remember how cold it was last winter? Isn't there a saying about a cold winter killing off the bugs? So much for that theory!

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First Occasional Shop Weekend of the Year

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